How a 21 year old tried to talk to a girl he liked and ended up changed by a daily habit for life-long Bible reading.
This is Scripture for Students. I’m Steve Whitacre, president of Trinity College and a pastor at Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville. I want to help students build a daily habit for life-long Bible reading. Today is December 26, 2024 and today I want to invite you to join me in reading through the Bible in 2025.
For my personal, daily Bible reading, I read through the Bible every year. I’ve been doing that for a long time and I got started because I wanted to talk to a girl.
I was a 21 year old Pastors College student in 1998 and there was a girl at church I really liked. I was about to head home for Christmas break and I was hoping to talk to her one more time before I left. She worked in the church bookstore, so when the service ended, I made my way into the bookstore with plenty of excitement but not much of a plan.
Once the room cleared out, I sauntered over to the checkout counter. At the last second, it dawned on me that I should probably buy something—I didn’t want to be too obvious—so I reached for the closest book and started asking Nicole about her plans for Christmas. We had a nice chat; I went home to pack for the Christmas break with a warm heart and high hopes.
It wasn’t until later in the afternoon that I stopped to look at the book I bought. It was a new title by D. A. Carson called For the Love of God. The book is a guide to reading through the Bible in a year, following the plan of a long-dead Scottish pastor whom I had never heard of named Robert Murray M’Cheyne.
At that time, I didn’t have any more of a plan for daily Bible reading than I had for getting Nicole to marry me, so I thought, maybe I’ll give this a try this year. I threw the book in my suitcase.
The happy ending to this story is that a couple days later I embarked on my first lap through an annual Bible reading plan and a couple years later, I married Nicole. So I would say that little trip to the bookstore worked out rather nicely.
Now, I can’t promise you that reading through the Bible every year will lead you to the love of your life but I can promise you that reading through the Bible in a year will change your life. It has changed my life.
First, I’ve discovered for myself that the Bible is unlike any other book on the planet. I have lots of books I like and lots of books I’ve learned from, but the Bible is so dramatically different, so incredibly powerful, that the Bible uses vivid images to describe itself.
For instance, Psalm 119:105 says, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” We live in a world that is foggy with sin. Sin blinds us and leaves us blundering and bewildered. And the future is hidden from our view. We can’t see clearly which way to go. Decisions are hard because choosing to do something means choosing not to do something else. What if we choose the wrong thing and cut ourselves off from an opportunity? Many people become paralyzed because of their need for guidance. God’s word throws light down the path and helps us know which way to go. But it is a lamp, not a flood light. God is faithful to give us the guidance we need, but he gives us just as much as we need, so we have to keep coming back to this book over and over again, to get the light we need.
Psalm 19:10 says about God’s words, “More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb.” You already know that gold is one of the most valuable things on the planet, so I don’t need to explain that image. But sweeter than honey? Imagine living in a world without artificial sugar. No gummy bears and no Dr. Pepper. The sweetest thing you would ever taste—by far—would be honey. But getting honey is difficult and dangerous. I’m sure the honey tasted even sweeter from having to work for it. Think how much more something would mean to you if it is rare and hard to get. The more we read God’s word and the better we know it, the more it becomes the dessert part of our day. Who doesn’t like eating dessert for breakfast? Let’s start each day of 2025 with some honey.
Here’s another one. Hebrews 4:12 says, “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword…” I’ve probably read Till We Have Faces by C. S. Lewis more times than any book other than the Bible. I love it and every time I read it, I notice something new. But I also notice that the story affects me in the same ways and at the same places. It’s a great book, but every time I read it, it is the same book. There is something fundamentally different about the Bible. It is alive. I can read a paragraph I’ve read dozens of times and find God speaking to me in new and different and surprising ways. It’s not just that there is something I didn’t notice before, it’s like having a conversation where the speaker knows me and can speak to my specific situation. No other book can do that. And this book is sharper than any sword. It is a surgeon’s scalpel that can cut away the cancer of sin. And it is a weapon for us to wield in the fight against the enemy of our souls. No soldier would go into battle unarmed. That’s a death sentence. But the sword of God’s word is so alive, it makes us alive. It teaches us to live no longer for ourselves but for him. It protects us against temptations, fights off our fears, and cuts to the heart of the matter.
And we’re just getting started. Maybe you agree that God’s word is special and powerful and there is no other book like it. But why read it through in a year? There are a lot of ways to answer that question, but one of the best is surely in 2 Timothy 3:16–17, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” It says that all Scripture is God-breathed. God spoke every word of this book for us and for our good. And we need every word of it to be complete, equipped for every good word. And if you aren’t sure yet how your soul will be fed from Judges or Jeremiah or Job or 2 John, you’re about to set out on quite an adventure. Let’s discover together how the entire Bible can change your life.
This year, Nicole and I will celebrate our 25th anniversary. I’ve spent more of my life married to her than not married to her. In 25 years, Nicole has shaped who I am more than the influence of every other person in my life combined. I have a lifetime of memories with her, God has given us great joys together and has sustained us through great trials together. It is no exaggeration to say that I would not be the person I am today if it were not for her and I could not be more grateful to God for the gift she is to me.
And for all that, I can also say that the Bible has had an even deeper and more profound effect on me. This year will be my 27th year of reading through the Bible. While no person has influenced my life nearly so much as Nicole, Nicole would not be offended to hear me say that my daily habit of Bible reading has shaped my thinking, my feeling, my speech, and my actions far more profoundly than even the closeness of 25 years of loving marriage.
By reading and rereading this book, the Bible has shaped my affections: it has helped me see that Jesus Christ is the greatest treasure in the world and that by seeking him, all these things will be added to me as well.
By reading and rereading this book, the Bible has shaped my thinking: it has taught me to approach every situation with discernment, asking, “What does Scripture say?”
By reading and rereading this book, the Bible has shaped my desires: this book has replaced my small and selfish and short-sighted aspirations with a longing to know God and serve his people and live for his kingdom.
I’ve read this book through 26 times in 26 years and I am more excited than ever to start back at the beginning in a couple days. Unfortunately, I don’t know a way to package my experience and excitement about God’s word. If I could, you would taste and eat to your fill! But you’re going to have to try it for yourself. The buffet is open, y’all! Come taste and see that the Lord is good!
Over the next couple days, I am going to give you some more reasons to read through the Bible in 2025 and I want to give you some practical help on how to get started. We’ll meet Robert Murray M’Cheyne and talk about why his plan is so great. And on January 1, I’ll start providing some daily meditations to help you get the most of your daily Bible reading. I hope you’ll join us for the adventure of reading through the Bible in 2025!
That’s all for today. If you enjoyed this episode please share it with a friend and follow us on Apple Podcasts.
This content is sponsored by Trinity College of Louisville. We shape young men and young women for Christ and for the church. Learn more at Until next time, keep growing!