12/22 God Wants a Word

The Word who spoke creation into existence by the power of his word would like a word with you. Do you have ears to hear?

This is Scripture for Students. I’m Steve Whitacre, president of Trinity College and a pastor at Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville. I want to help students build a daily habit for life-long Bible reading. Today is December 22, 2024 and this episode of Scripture for Students is called God Wants a Word. Grab your Bible and let’s get started.

Open your Bible to John 1. Over the next couple of days, we’re going to look at Christmas according to John’s gospel. We usually think of Luke and Matthew as the gospels that communicate the essential parts of the Christmas story, but I think you might be surprised at how much Christmas there is in John’s gospel, too. 

Today is Sunday, and I don’t want to take too much of your time. So for now, let’s just focus on the first six words of John’s gospel. I’m reading from the English Standard Version, and in this translation, the book begins, “In the beginning was the Word…” 

The word Word here is a complicated term and has its roots in Greek philosophy. But John is not going to let pagan philosophers carry the day, so he joins this word, Word, to a phrase that begins at the beginning of our Bible: “In the beginning…” I think John wants you to hear this and think back to the first page of your Bible and think: Oh yes, I’ve read something like this before. Indeed you have! 

On page 1 of your Bible, how did God create everything? By speaking. And on page 1 of John’s gospel, God reveals himself through his Son as the what? The Word of God. In both beginnings, God is reminding us that he is a speaking God. It pleases him to make himself known. 

As you go to church today, it’s only a few days until Christmas. There’s a pretty good chance that you will hear an advent sermon or something related to the Christmas story. As you do, remember that God wants a word with you. He is speaking to you through his word. He has already spoken in creation and spoken through his Son. And you can be confident that if you come with ears to hear—that is, with faith—you will hear God speaking to you. I do not mean that you will hear God’s audible voice or something like that. But he will speak through his word. Listen to the sermon today and ask: what is God saying to me here? Is there an encouragement that he wants me to remember? A promise that he wants me to trust in? A sin that he wants me to turn away from? A temptation that he wants me to resist? A new insight that he wants me to understand? A comfort that he wants me to find rest in? 

Take some notes on the sermon and then take some time later in the day to either pray through your notes or discuss with your parents—or both— and try to better understand how God is speaking to you and feeding your soul through the sermon. Write it down in your journal or somewhere else where you can find your way back to it. And be encouraged in the knowledge that God is still speaking because he loves you and cares for you.

That’s all for today. If you enjoyed this episode please share it with a friend and follow us on Apple Podcasts.

This content is sponsored by Trinity College of Louisville. We shape young men and young women for Christ and for the church. Learn more at TrinityCollegeLou.com. Until next time, keep growing!

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