The Bridge Year at Trinity College

Trinity College offers a one-year Bridge Year certificate program.

The Bridge Year is a one-year online education and discipleship program designed to equip the next generation of Sovereign Grace with character, conviction, and courage.

What is the Bridge Year?

What do students learn during the Bridge Year?

The metaphor of the bridge is deliberate:

  • We build bridges to Scripture so that God’s word will shape the hearts and minds of our students.
  • We build bridges to history and literature so that they might step into and participate in the great conversations of the centuries.
  • And we build bridges to the culture so that these students will be prepared to go out into the world and not be taken captive by the godless ideologies that wait to entrap them, but rather will be cultural leaders, building God-glorifying cultures in their families, their churches, and their communities.

The Bridge Year features a hybrid local-and-distance approach.

  • Students who choose the local option have the benefit of being a part of Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville and experience weekly fellowship and discipleship.
  • The advantage of the distance option is that students receive the same training and education, all while participating and serving in his or her local Sovereign Grace church.

Trinity College is now accepting applications for the 2023–2024 Bridge Year.